Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What I’m Watching: The Big C (Season Premiere)

The Big C: Season 3, Episode 1 “Thin Ice” (B+)

This show knows how to open a season and ease viewers back into the world of its characters, reintroducing Cathy and her wild family unit. The opening scene with Cathy going by a fake name and pretending to be a widow was clearly a fake-out, as Paul was back home, still alive and dealing energetically with his heart problems by blogging regularly. The couple comparing their sightings of dead people was entertaining, and these two are like no other, dealing with their situations with an unparalleled sarcastic attitude. Paul’s zapper was amusing, and fortunately the dog pressing it while he ran out to save Cathy didn’t end badly for either party, and they just came out of it stronger. Cathy getting more time to live is appropriate given that they still have plenty of other issues to deal with, including Andrea’s newfound sense of African pride and Adam’s curiosity about her attitude towards prayer. Andrea’s new African name and her picture of Black Jesus on her wall should prove interesting, though I’m not sure they’ll last long. Sean and Andrea burning the wedding dress and the tampons to cleanse themselves of their previous partners was endearing, and I like how Sean is surviving and coping in his own way, devoid of heat in what will apparently be a much longer winter. The background of Groundhog Day was great, though it’s quite peculiar to be watching such a cold and extended winter when the seasons recently have been anything but cold and normal.

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