Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 8, Episode 19 “With So Little to Be Sure Of” (B-)

Regardless of the many transformations, husbands, and situations that she has been through, Bree has always remained a generally consistent character. Getting arrested during Renee’s shower and leaving her guests instructions to ensure the party could go on without her was to be expected, and leaving her fingerprints because she couldn’t resist buttoning the dead man’s shirt is just what would get her inexorably implicated in a murder. Her point that she, of all the housewives, was in the best position to take this on right now, due to her lack of a job or kids, was rather blunt and honest, just like Bree always is. Netting Scott Bakula’s Trip Weston as her lawyer was impressive, especially after he dismissed her case for being too boring. Chuck’s partner really has it out for her, going so far as to tamper with evidence to implicate her. For the first time since her relationship with Tom began, Jane is inarguably in the wrong while Lynette, some cake batter tossing aside, is the innocent one. Delivering your boyfriend’s divorce papers to his wife is not a smart move, and even if he’s not yet running back into Lynette’s arms, he may be shying away from being with Jane. Susan could use better plotlines than searching into Mike’s past for unknown relatives, and though its message might be a little too broad, it does seem to have convinced Julie to keep her baby and start a family. Gaby’s blatant flirtation and disregard for Carlos is ill-advised, and she could be bringing home the bacon without being so harsh and uncaring.

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