Monday, April 30, 2012

What I’m Watching: The Finder

The Finder: Season 1, Episode 11 “The Inheritance” (B+)

I really love that Walter is so obsessed with finding something that intrigues him, to the point that he wouldn’t look for Joyce’s father’s murderer but instead opted to search for her inheritance. Mageina Tovah, who was so disturbingly creepy in the second installment of “American Horror Story” last year, was delightful as the cheerful and always optimistic Joyce, brought up by her father to always look on the bright side, something that managed to annoy everyone with whom she interacted in this hour save for her mature friend Isabel. Walter’s usage of rats to simulate the horses was entertaining, and I like how Timo got involved in it all because of his interests. Willa applying to college is a twist, and it was nice that Leo stepped in to try to help her, and even more meaningful that she insisted that she wanted to do it herself without his help. Identifying the villains as the tall man, the short man, ad the fat man proved extremely entertaining, particularly when it came to the question of being able to write it down in a report. Walter and his crew seem to have a whole lot of close calls with the bad guys coming to the Ends of the Earth to directly threaten their lives and the lives of the clients. Fortunately, Walter is able to talk himself out of just about any situation, and therefore he’s never in any real danger. Hands down the most hilarious part of this episode, pictured above, was Walter’s horse whispering.

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