Thursday, April 12, 2012

What I’m Watching: Ringer

Ringer: Season 1, Episode 21 “It’s Called Improvising, Bitch!” (D+)

This show is hitting rock bottom. Katherine writing Siobhan’s suicide note could have been so simple, but she had to be so terrible and obvious about Andrew not going into the bedroom and waste a whole episode on her inanely trying to kill everyone. Andrew totally could have signaled the agents as he had planned, and instead he just tried to rip her bonds as if he were Mr. Fantastic. Why Juliet couldn’t have just untied Andrew and Bridget while Katherine was out of the room is beyond me. Bridget volunteering to be a hostage was frustrating since it seemed like she might extend Katherine’s plotline when there was a perfect opportunity to end it, but time passed as the speed of light in this hour. Katherine’s affair with Olivia was a ridiculous twist, and the only reason it was decent is that Machado actually made a smart move and went to her place after Bridget dialed him rather than try to play the hero at the Martin apartment. Katherine’s unintentionally layered parting insult seemed to really sting for Bridget, and hopefully that will be the only thing that lingers about her. This show is supposed to be about Siobhan and Bridget, not their crazy ex-lovers. Siobhan had a productive episode, blackmailing a Russian prostitute, watching her conveniently die, having her water break in a closet, and going into labor. Unfortunately for her, Henry’s wising up, and ordering a paternity test is likely going to produce surprising and disappointing results for both parties.

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