Thursday, April 5, 2012

What I’m Watching: Smash

Smash: Season 1, Episode 9 “Hell on Earth” (C+)

Things are getting quite shaken up now that the workshop is over and the creative people have butted heads. Derek threatening to leave the show and suggesting waiting a full year to do another workshop was never coming to come to much, but Eileen sure worked fast to ensure that Derek would come running into her office in a fury. Ellis netting a major star for the role of Marilyn was seedy but somewhat impressive, and I’m glad that Eileen didn’t fall for his ultimatum and refused to promote him to co-producer on the spot. Tom finding out that his boyfriend is a Republican proved entertaining, and he actually seemed to be giving it a chance until he got called away to deal with Ivy. It’s a shame that he’s flirting so much with Sam since his relationship with John might just work out. Frank discovering Julia’s affair by locating her Brooklyn Bridge song was a bit preposterous, though it’s refreshing to see Frank actually stand up for himself and throw a punch at Michael after he defended the affair as having ended so long ago. Leo is such an unnecessary character, and his portrayer Emory Cohen less than capable as an actor, and it would be good to relegate his lines to as few as possible. Karen getting the orange juice commercial over Ivy wasn’t a good sign, and neither was her walking in to return sunglasses just as Ivy was collapsing mid-performance. On a show like this, however, all problems are solved by the two leading ladies wandering drunk through Times Square and bursting into song.

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