Sunday, May 13, 2012

What I’m Watching: 30 Rock

30 Rock: Season 6, Episode 21 “The Return of Avery Jessup” (B+)

Avery’s return has been coming for so long that it’s a relief to see that having her back isn’t a disappointment. Instead, it actually gets Jack all riled up to learn that she was imprisoned with another American, Scott Scottsman, played by Michael Mosley from “Scrubs” and “Pan Am,” who were both part of the laughably ridiculous North Korean version of American television, in which they attempted to pretend dead people were still alive and other silly things. Avery’s quick forgiveness of Jack was the ultimate mind game, getting him to spiral out of control and confess everything he had done during the time they spent apart, whereas she had in fact done nothing wrong. The homecoming party that combined all of the holidays into one night was entertaining, and I enjoyed the scene with Mayor Boo-mberg bragging to Jack about his clever costume. Liz’s concern at the notion of Jack and Avery renewing their vows is not unfounded, and that will likely take us into next season. The balance of power in terms of money in Liz and Criss’ relationship is sure to cause problems, and they just barely avoided major issues in this installment. Jenna’s efforts to master accents to get a prime sponsorship for her wedding were amusing, and the funniest bit was the closing list of off-brand Heelz names. Tracy’s command to Sari to bring Jessica Tandy back to life was hilarious as well. As of Thursday, the show has officially been renewed for a final thirteen-episode seventh season. I think that’s just right, since it will enable the show to wrap up at a time when it’s ready to end.

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