Monday, June 11, 2012

TV with Abe Giveaway!

I’m excited to announce that I have received a handful of posters for the new seasons of “Weeds” and “Episodes,” which premiere back-to-back on Sunday, July 1st, from Showtime. The former show is headed into its eighth season after one hell of a rollercoaster run. It looks almost nothing like it used to, and its format is completely different from when the show started back in 2005. Its seventh season finale left its future unknown, yet the show’s wacky cast will return for yet another round of life in the drug business. The latter isn’t nearly as old, entering its second season with its eighth episode. The show, which chronicles the transformation of a top-notch British series into an American imitation of that same show, has already aired half its second season on BBC2 in the UK, and will appeal most to American audiences thanks to its Golden Globe-winning star, Matt LeBlanc, who delivers a skewering parody of himself on a weekly basis.

If you haven’t watched these two shows, now is the time to start. “Weeds” may be a shadow of its former self, but it’s still enormously intriguing and entertaining, and I have no idea where this coming season will go. “Episodes” is still in its prime, boasting a fantastic international cast and very witty writing. Catch these two on Sunday nights beginning July 1st at 10pm and 10:30pm, and in the meantime, enter to win posters of your own!

To earn yourself a poster, comment on this post with the name of your favorite character from either show (or both!) and tell us why you like them so much. Said character does not need to be a currently featured player or even still be alive. Get ready for the return of these two shows by looking back and remembering what you love most about them.

Winners will be announced next Monday, June 18th at 9pm, so get your entries in before then!

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