Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What I’m Watching: The Big C (Season Finale)

The Big C: Season 3, Episode 10 “Fly Away” (B+)

Cathy going missing at the beginning of this hour was an interesting dramatic note on which to jump off, and definitely emblematic of the way that characters have drifted apart this season. Sean fretting over having lost his buddy is yet another sign of his disconnect with normal life, and he’s understandably upset about letting himself be guided by his attraction to woman rather than his actual human connections. Cathy getting literally caught in a fishing net was entertaining, and I liked her initial comment about regretting taking four years of French. Ultimately, she managed to bond quite well with Angel, and it makes sense that she’d confide in someone who couldn’t understand her about the fact that her tumors have in fact returned. Turning around and jumping into the water to get back on Angel’s boat suggests that she really wants to run from her life, and though it surely won’t be permanent, it’s still a big step. The fact that Paul is about to sleep with a woman he met a bar after pulling a Cathy and telling her that his wife died of cancer and that his name is Brian complicates things even more since their marriage is already so close to dissolving. Andrea had a nice chat with the Jesus portrayer, and she seems to have come full-circle in accepting her given name. This has been a strong season, and I look forward to seeing more of Cathy and the whole extended family, even if Cathy’s health is going to be getting worse.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: John Benjamin Hickey as Sean

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