Friday, June 15, 2012

What I’m Watching: Royal Pains

Royal Pains: Season 4, Episode 2 “Imperfect Storm” (B+)

I have to admit that I didn’t expect Hank and Evan to remain separated for long, and I’m actually quite happy with how it’s playing out. The excitement with which they realized that they could have a friendly, amicable, equitable divorce for HankMed quickly faded when complications emerged, and I’m enjoying seeing how HankMed and HankMed 2.0 operate side-by-side. Having a client that wanted to retain them both and Divya deciding that she was going to split her time evenly between both businesses means that they’re going to come face-to-face with each other on a regular basis, which is sure to be awkward but extremely entertaining. Dr. Sacani memorizing all of the files by social security number was very amusing, and it’s clear that he’s going to be an interesting and unpredictable asset for Evan’s business. Dr. Van Dyke continues to be business-oriented and unfriendly, and Evan’s having to work overtime to charm his clients, which he’s doing rather well so far. Hank, on the other hand, is operating blind without help, and it’s a good thing that Divya is going to work with him so that he won’t be all alone. The fact that Jill’s job fell through isn’t a surprise since she wasn’t exactly rushing out and had been pushing it off for so long. No job and no home means that she could well be an asset for Hank’s new business, and it would be nice to see how she operates without being tethered to Hamptons Heritage.

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