Friday, June 8, 2012

What I’m Watching: Veep

Veep: Season 1, Episode 7 “Full Disclosure” (B+)

Seeing Selina mad is not a pretty sight. Her fury in this episode was palpable as she toyed with firing Amy, Mike, or Dan. Her instant rejection and demeaning of their suicide pact was entertaining, as was Dan’s quick abandonment of it. The fact that she praised Gary as the sole valuable person around since he actually cared was quite amusing, and he did do a commendable job preemptively breaking up with Ted for her when she thought that he was about to do the very same thing. Her miscarriage solves a major problem, but Smile Story was definitely pervasive throughout this episode. Her solution, to pin the whole thing on Amy being the one who was pregnant and therefore influenced to make unsound decisions, was effective but cruel nonetheless. I liked the suggestion of Sue as the person to be fired, and something tells me Sue wouldn’t have gone down without a fight. The most hilarious moment of the episode was Selina rhetorically asking Mike if he was really writing down their secret plan not to fully disclose everything. Seeing Jonah is his natural habitat was expectedly pitiful, and his anger at the nickname e-mail being leaked was enjoyable. It’s hard to believe there’s just one episode left in this season, but fortunately this show will be back for another round of mishaps next year. I wouldn’t expect this Sunday’s finale to be terribly eventful, but I’m sure it will provide a fitting temporary conclusion to this first season’s terrific arc.

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