Thursday, July 19, 2012

Emmy Nominees: Best Comedy Series

My predictions: 4/6, picking “Parks and Recreation” and “New Girl” over “Girls” and “Veep”

This is easily the worst snub in the history of the Emmys. "Parks and Recreation," the best comedy on television has one of its best seasons to date and earns two writing nominations, only to be shut out of this race? I can’t fathom how this happened, and I don’t want to blame the two exciting and somewhat unexpected new additions to this category, both from HBO: Girls and Veep. I’d much rather point the finger at 30 Rock, which certainly did not have its best season and does not deserve to take its spot. The rest of the nominees were expected: The Big Bang Theory, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Modern Family. Of note is that both “Glee” and “The Office” were forgotten, or perhaps much more purposefully ignored.

Who should win? With “Parks” out of the running, give it to “Modern Family,” “Veep,” or “Girls”
Who will win? It could go to “Veep,” but I suspect that “Modern Family” takes it again.

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