Monday, July 16, 2012

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Season 6, Episode 4 “Under the Gun” (B+)

Things are getting extremely intense now that Anson’s actions are being felt long after he’s gone. There were several unusually serious moments to be found in this hour, notably Sam calling to tell his always unseen girlfriend that he loves her and Michael going ballistic on Ayn’s ex-husband in order to get the package. The return of Kristanna Loken’s Rebecca Lang meant that Michael, Sam, and Jesse were completely occupied for almost the entire duration of the episode. Michael was quite determined to continue operating his car off-road despite its clear inferiority to Rebecca’s vehicle, and Jesse sprung into action admirably to go chase after Rebecca’s boat, which proved to be a decoy. If even a cold, heartless person like Rebecca is having her strings pulled by Anson, he must be a pretty terrible guy, and he’s just as infuriatingly awful when he’s not around as he was when he popped up to ooze evil on a regular basis. Fiona’s not having the best luck in prison, though fortunately she was able to defend herself strongly against an attack by two inmates. Getting Ayn to trust her was impressive, and she better hope that she can get out of prison before they got released from solitary. Madeleine going to Ayn’s ex-husband to try to get the package when she couldn’t reach Michael and company was brave, and though Michael was ultimately the muscle, he couldn’t have gotten in there to bang his head a few times for emphasis without her initiative.

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