Sunday, July 8, 2012

What I’m Watching: Franklin and Bash

Franklin and Bash: Season 2, Episode 5 “L’Affaire du Coeur” (B+)

This episode focused a whole lot less on the supporting cast and much more on the dynamic duo, though Damien of course had a large role to play. The judge getting arrested as he was about to hold Jared and Peter in contempt was a twist, and it was intriguing to see just how steadfast and calm both Judge Kohler and D.A. Pollack were in the face of the charges since they knew both the law and the facts of their case. Unfortunately, Pollack was trying to set up her fiancé to be with the temperamental prison inmate, played by Jamie McShane, most recognizable as the grief-stricken Cameron Hayes in the third season of “Sons of Anarchy.” Peter sleeping with Janie during the trial was highly unadvisable – mainly because I want to see more of Kat Foster’s Wendy, who seems to have up and disappeared – but didn’t appear to affect the case at all. I enjoyed seeing Judge Kohler refuse to recuse himself from the case they were testifying, sure to result in them getting held in contempt again. Damien got the chance to get personal with his old buddy Lance, played by Tuc Watkins, who portrayed Bob on “Desperate Housewives.” Damien invoking himself in his questioning was brave, but the best part of the whole case was definitely Infeld’s own test of gayness, which involved asking who won the most recent season of “Dancing with the Stars” and what Kathy Griffin’s current hair color is, two facts that apparently should be known by gay men.

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