Friday, July 13, 2012

What I’m Watching: Franklin and Bash

Franklin and Bash: Season 2, Episode 6 “Voir Dire” (B+)

Admittedly, this episode’s central case was far less ridiculous than tends to be the case on this show, but that resulted in some decent storytelling that isn’t always front and center. Having Danielle Panabaker around as summer associate Bonnie helped since Jared and Peter, while still cocky as ever, did talk more than usual about their plans, and also went to others in the firm, namely Hannah, Damien, and Infeld, for advice on how to proceed with the jury selection process. They were extremely manipulative, no surprise, in their clever removal of two problematic jurors, when Peter told one she was pretty on the stand and when they purposely spoke to another to get her dismissed. It was entertaining to see the episode end in the middle of the case, since both lawyers were so sure that Hewitt would walk straight into their trap of putting Kiki on the stand, who would prove through her jealousy that their client was in love with Annabelle and therefore acting to protect her rather than himself. In their goofy pursuits of justice, Jared and Peter have made more enemies than friends, but fortunately they do have Carmen and Pindar on their team, and those two are truly invaluable, whether it’s interviewing witnesses to investigate Sal’s relationship or distracting the prosecution in a crucial moment. Missing partner meetings to eat chicken and waffles (just one food, apparently) may get them in trouble with the other partners, but they do have a good thing going regardless of their titles and affiliation.

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