Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What I’m Watching: Longmire

Longmire: Season 1, Episode 5 “Dog Soldier” (B+)

Tensions were high with the disappearances of young children, and it’s clear that the reservation is going to continue to play a major role in the happenings of this Wyoming town. Henry seems to be awfully involved in a number of different cases, this one in stark opposition to Walt, and he wasn’t the only Native American protesting Walt’s methodology. It did, of course, turn out that the children were being removed from their homes under falsified pretenses, and it’s obvious that someone’s done real wrong when they turn themselves in after realizing their errors of their ways. The intense music at the end served well to establish Walt as a character, and what a personality he is. Seeing him with his face all beaten up and bruised was especially intimidating. I like that Cady is also involved in Walt’s professional life, and that Vic volunteered herself to take the blame for asking Cady for help with her boss. Cady handing over only what was public record was a clever way to circumvent the law, but she evidently cares deeply for her father and wants to help him in whatever way she can. The brief interaction we saw between Cady and Branch was enticing, and I’d love to see more of them behind closed doors since their romance is so interesting to begin with since they’re not the type that would seem like they would get along. Walt’s been relatively professional to Branch thus far, but something tells me that dating his daughter is going to be off-limits.

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