Thursday, July 26, 2012

What I’m Watching: Weeds

Weeds: Season 8, Episode 4 “Only Judy Can Judge” (B+)

It’s extremely disconcerting to see Nancy in this state, collapsing at the laser tag arena and then calling Stevie Judah before falling into her salad. Her physical and mental lapses were likely due to the fact that she tried to operate as if things were normal, though she did manage to get a whole lot accomplished in her short time out. Hooking Kiku and Demetri back up was an important step, and Nancy is intimidating enough that having more people know that she’s been shot in the head should help rather than hurt her. Having uninvited guests over at dinner, however, isn’t exactly a good plan. California enthusiast R.J. was not happy about Silas keeping company with cops, and, though she’s odd enough to begin with, Angela probably though the family was quite peculiar, and Shane was lucky that they just barely managed not to reveal his past criminal actions. Doug’s war with his neighbor took an unexpected turn at end of the episode when video footage revealed that he, while under the influence of Ambien, was the one defecating on the newspaper. Jill and Andy’s relationship was working out fine until he offered to cook dinner for Nancy, and Jill responded cruelly by taking Stevie out for the day and then giving him Dimetapp to sleep so that he wouldn’t be able to have dinner with Nancy. Fortunately, Nancy got a happy ending when Stevie couldn’t sleep and she took him to swim in that random neighbor’s pool, finally getting an opportunity to spend some time with her son.

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