Monday, August 27, 2012

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice (Summer Finale)

Burn Notice: Season 6, Episode 10 “Desperate Times” (B+)

Every time this show closes out one of its half-seasons, it seems that one enemy just gets traded for another. Yet this hour was different, since it put Michael and his crew directly on the tail of the man who definitively pulled the trigger and killed Nate. Yet all definitely wasn’t as it seemed, and the reveal that Card had set them all up to die was extremely well-coordinated. Having him express seemingly genuine emotion and empathy to Madeleine while lying through his teeth to Michael about Tyler’s location emphasized his betrayal and made it sting even more. New character Brady got the chance to prove his loyalty in one short appearance, bravely driving the van towards certain death to save the lives of everyone else. Trapped in Panama with their one CIA ally thinking they’re dead and set on making it happen if he finds out they’re alive is not a good place to be. That’s doubly true considering Michael told Fiona that he’d drop all this spy stuff after this last mission. Kenny Johnson, best known as Lem from “The Shield,” is a fine choice to play ruthless hitman Tyler Grey, who was willing to shoot two of his men to try to protect his own life, and I’m curious how he’ll fit into the ragtag team when the show returns in November. This had been the show’s most exciting and intense season to date, and I look forward to seeing how it all turns out and if Michael can finally catch a break one of these days.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: John C. McGinley as Card

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