Thursday, August 9, 2012

What I’m Watching: The Closer (Penultimate Episode)

The Closer: Season 7, Episode 20 “Armed Response” (B+)

Things are definitely on the verge of change as Major Crimes continues to find itself under enormous scrutiny and the leak is finally revealed. In Brenda’s absence, Provenza did a stand-up job of resisting unwanted authority, suggesting forcefully that the DDA stay away from the crime scene and wait to be briefed at an appropriate time. On the guest star roster was Scott Michael Foster from “Californication” in a familiar role as an obnoxious adult sleeping with someone else’s daughter. He was, however, the least guilty party in this case, as his seventeen-year-old girlfriend thought she was delivering such a terrific performance and convincing Brenda and the rest of the squad that she could live on her own and be considered an adult. It’s a sign of a show’s stability when the denouement doesn’t even need explanation, and a simple look passed from detective to detective suffices to tell the rest of the story. Fritz coming to talk to Brenda after her swift return from bereavement leave indicated her inability to cope with her mother’s death, and it’s certainly not going to be an easy process. Pope’s promotion of Commander Taylor all but guarantees that Brenda’s time in the department is up. Finding out that sweet lawyer Ann was the leak was devastating, and Gabriel got his first chance to get truly riled up since he used to date Lieutenant Daniels. The gradual acceptance of his apology by all but Sanchez was affirming, but Flynn’s instruction to file a transfer indicates that working together going forward could prove quite difficult.

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