Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What I’m Watching: The Closer

The Closer: Season 7, Episode 19 “Last Rites” (B+)

This episode opened in an extremely creepy fashion not common for this show, as Father Adam went to perform last rites to someone hiding under a blanket before being attacked and murdered. It’s interesting that the episode was much more about the method of investigation rather than the facts themselves, and it turned out to be a rather simple solution which explained why Father Adam was purported to have owned the apartment and framed as a pedophile. While overly explicit references weren’t made in this hour, it was fun to see Pope and “the Pope” uttered in the same sentence, as Chief Pope strived to stay apolitical and Brenda did just about everything she could to rile everyone up by demanding to see the priest’s journals. The Catholic Church, in turn, became quite uncooperative, but, as usual, Brenda and her team were able to manipulate events to their advantage, and Raydor’s suggestion of just looking at the journal entries from one day was very helpful. Pope telling Brenda that he won’t be there to look after her when he moves up the chain of command was typically unfriendly, and all signs continue to point to her leaving L.A. because of personal differences. Personal circumstances are obviously a factor as well, with her mother’s unexpected death hitting doubly hard after seeing her father make such great strides in this episode. I can tell that it’s going to be a rough final two hours, and it’s not going to be an easy departure from Major Crimes for Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson.

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