Friday, August 3, 2012

What I’m Watching: Covert Affairs

Covert Affairs: Season 3, Episode 4 “Speed of Life” (B+)

This was a monumental episode in many ways, and though things have fallen back into place in one sense, the truth is that nothing is normal anymore. Simon’s arrival in D.C. was a shock, but fortunately Annie’s cover held up well enough thanks to the quick assembly of a ready-made apartment. Her eagerness to share intel with the FBI took a bad turn almost immediately, and it now seems that her attempt to feign neediness to get him to cancel his scheduled drop wasn’t the reason that he scrapped his plans. Getting booted from Lena’s team and transferred back to Joan is probably for the best, though she’s not going to see it that way since Joan won’t let her operate nearly as autonomously (though she will do a better job of protecting her if things go sour). Auggie getting broken up with by Parker in the middle of Annie dealing with Simon nearly getting busted was bad timing, and the fact that he got arrested is sure to complicate his status in the CIA. In an ideal world, it would mean that he got transferred back to Joan’s team too, but that would make things much too simple. He’s likely going to have a hard time getting over the loss of Parker and forgiving Annie for not being there for him. With Danielle gone, Annie has only herself to think about, and something tells me that crazy things are going to happen as a result of her continued relationship with Simon.

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