Thursday, August 30, 2012

What I’m Watching: Covert Affairs

Covert Affairs: Season 3, Episode 7 “Loving the Alien” (B+)

While her transfer application is being sorted out, Annie isn’t wasting any time continuing with her spy life, and it’s a good thing that she has Lena to go to for help since Joan clearly wouldn’t be in favor of the mission she’s currently undertaking. The blanket support she receives from her newfound mentor is astounding, and it’s definitely going to hurt Joan to realize just how close Annie has become to Lena. Going to Cuba with Simon was bold, though him inviting her along was just as surprising. Nestor Serrano, here playing a similarly-named character, Hector Serrano, is always bad news, and he nearly got Annie killed, earning himself a slit throat instead. Simon being in love with Annie is a big deal, especially if he realizes that she’s not telling him everything, and it’s going to make infiltrating his operation both possible and extremely complex. Tailing him while wearing bright colors – white and red – didn’t seem like the smartest idea, but at least she didn’t alert him to her presence by causing a major landslide (though she almost did). Joan showing support for Arthur was mature, and it’s a real shame that his bubble got burst when he found out that this would be seen as abandoning his unsolved investigation and passing off the blame to his replacement. It’s the first time we’ve seen him angry enough to smash plates, and it now seems like he’ll be sticking around in his current position. Auggie’s persistence in interviewing Henry may well produce results, and I suspect there are a few surprises coming our way soon.

Fans of this show will be excited to learn that, instead of taking a hiatus until November like most of the summer shows, this series will take three weeks off and then continue straight through the fall with new episodes!

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