Saturday, August 18, 2012

What I’m Watching: Longmire (Season Finale)

Longmire: Season 1, Episode 10 “Unfinished Business” (A-)

What a dark way to end the season. Seeing teenagers accused of rape get killed by arrows was disturbing enough, and there were a number of twists in the case that made it even more disturbing, first with the father’s confession and then with the killer’s attempted suicide. Q’orianka Kilcher, best known from her debut in “The New World” and her recent guest appearance on “The Killing,” was a good choice to play Ayasha, and it was disconcerting to see all of the Indian people swarming Walt and Vic as they came to arrest Vehoe. In the midst of the case, it was about time for Walt and Branch to finally come to blows, though I’d argue that Vic was angrier than both of them when she came to break them up and to inform them of the latest murder. Breaking up the school riot was also intense, and Vic really knows how to stop a fight. After an awkward accidental rendezvous at Walt’s home, Lizzie managed to piss Vic off in a big way, as they went back and forth about unfaithful spouses and wearing wedding rings. Cady’s reaction to the news that her mother was murdered was not good, and that’s sure to cause a rift between her and Walt for the foreseeable future. Charles S. Dutton was excellent as always as the Denver detective seeking out Walt, and I’m curious to see whether he’ll stick around to investigate the murder of Walt’s wife’s killer. That definite “no” was a fantastic way to end the season, and I can’t wait for this show’s return next year.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Katee Sackhoff as Vic

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