Sunday, August 26, 2012

What I’m Watching: Royal Pains

Royal Pains: Season 4, Episode 10 “Who’s Your Daddy?” (B+)

It was never going to be a smooth first meeting between Eddie and the General. Yet, despite all of Evan’s obsessing and worrying, it actually turned out much better than expected. The Lawson family’s Judaism wasn’t a problem as related to celebrating Christmas together as an extended family, and the ice was truly broken when the General revealed that he already knew that Eddie had been in prison. The news about the leaked photo came at a very inopportune time, and after much selfishness on Evan’s part, things finally started to take shape. The truth, however, was far more surprising, and Paige discovering that she was adopted is sure to affect her relationship both with her parents and with Evan as they prepare for their wedding and what’s sure to come next. Most importantly, Eddie earned his stripes by managing to cheer Paige up while she was miserable (before the adoption news). It was fun to see two great guest stars at the polo tournament, with Gary Cole of “The West Wing” and “The Good Wife,” among other work, portraying the older player suffering from an unknown ailment and Miriam Shor from “Swingtown” and “GCB” as the businesswoman determined to get the younger player into her underwear. After spending the episode avoiding David, Divya found some romance of her own with that particularly alluring polo player, something that’s likely to be a one-time thing but a sure sign for Divya that not all hope is lost and she may still have a shot at happiness.

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