Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What I’m Watching: Suits

Suits: Season 2, Episode 9 “Asterisk” (B+)

This show is featuring more and more excessively dramatic confrontation scenes as we’re hurtling towards the show’s summer finale and this extremely momentous partner vote. It’s great to see Donna back so easily, and she proved her worth immediately by going straight to Jessica to tell her that Louis had been made partner. The whole Louis situation is quite complex, and it’s nice to see him standing up for himself, to Harvey, to Jessica, and to Daniel. He did seem excited by the prospect of Harvey actually reaching out to him and taking him out to dinner, but, as usual, Harvey’s ego got in the way and that plan didn’t work out well. Jessica was brutally honest in her conversation with Louis, which may not have been the best idea given how sensitive and manipulated he feels at the moment. His final comment to Jessica and Harvey, that he waited five years so they could wait another twenty-four hours, was particularly biting. Daniel got pretty angry when Louis confronted him as well, and tensions have definitely reached a boiling point for all involved at Pearson Hardman. We hadn’t seen much of Mike’s grandmother in a while, and it’s sad that she passed away just as Mike was finally investing in giving her a great new life. Her death will likely bring Mike and Rachel much closer together, and I suspect that the partner vote may not be the most eventful part of the finale. If things go how I think they will, I think one more person will know Mike’s secret by episode’s end.

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