Friday, August 24, 2012

What I’m Watching: Weeds

Weeds: Season 8, Episode 8 “Five Miles from Yetzer Hara” (B+)

This episode was a thoughtful and productive hour, using its theme of staying on the right track and following the good impulse rather than the evil as a guiding point for all of its characters. The fact that Jill’s not pregnant doesn’t come as too much of a surprise, but Andy’s reaction is equally expected. He’s always been a dreamer, and there have been many occasions where he’s gotten too attached to a far-off idea. Hopefully he won’t let the lack of a forthcoming child serve as an excuse for his life to fall apart again. It was sweet to see Nancy and Jill bond after some initial name-calling, and they’re really starting to get to a good place. It’s difficult to judge Nancy for her misdeeds, since she seems to balance it all by following some evil impulses, namely corrupting the rabbi, and emphasizing other good ones, like not striking an under-the-table deal and spending time teaching Stevie the capitals. I liked the throwback to Shane’s Pittsburgh obsession, a stage that feels like it was years and years ago. Watching Silas and Shane alternately miserable and excited at work is fun, and I particularly loved Silas’ competitive experiment with his nemesis. As usual, Doug has dug himself into a hole that he can’t hope to get out of, and clearly getting stabbed wasn’t enough to discourage him. Drugging the homeless woman was bold, but it looks like that wasn’t quite enough. Something tells me he’s going to go the extra mile to save himself.

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