Sunday, August 26, 2012

What I’m Watching: White Collar

White Collar: Season 4, Episode 6 “Identity Crisis” (B+)

There’s nothing like a Revolutionary War treasure hunt to distract from the search for the truth about Neal’s father. Mozzie’s enthusiasm is unsurprising, and this episode even attempted to pull at the heartstrings with some puppet theatre written by an eight-year-old Mozzie about how his parents were Cold War spies who had to give him up for his own protection. His excitement, however, was a lot of fun, and, along with Peter’s mockery, it’s what made the episode interesting. The “secret in her eyes” from the painting made me think immediately of the Oscar-winning Argentine film of the same name, though that produced much darker results. This secret led to Neal posing as George Washington, which, as expected, was a hoot, complete with Jones as a descendant of Thomas Jefferson. Damian Young, probably most recognizable as Karen’s humorless beau Bill from season one of “Californication,” was perfectly detestable as the author of the Culper exposé, who proved to be less than subtle by waving a gun around at every turn. It was also great to see Mircea Monroe, currently portraying the ageless Morning on “Episodes,” as the female spy with whom Mozzie had the pleasure of interacting, who, to his eternal delight, turend out to be a real member of the Culpers who was able to procure the flag for them. Neal and Peter may never believe it, but they clearly care enough about Mozzie to take a big chunk of time out of their otherwise busy days to save his life.

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