Monday, August 13, 2012

What I’m Watching: Wilfred

Wilfred: Season 2, Episode 8 “Truth” (B)

What a dark episode this was. It started out so much more simply, with Ryan freaking out after being asked what his biggest secret was and then revealing that he loved Amanda when all she wanted to tell him was that she was out of clean underwear. The fact that she told him that she loved him too the following day wasn’t surprising, but him asking her to move in with him was rather spontaneous and speedy. It’s a shame that Wilfred has to ruin everything for Ryan, but this show couldn’t work if Ryan wasn’t able to be distracted by Wilfred on a regular basis. I’m not a huge fan of Bruce, though there were admittedly a few funny moments during their preposterous game in the basement. The game “Why the hell is he wearing that mask?” was amusing, as was Ryan figuring out that the answer to the riddle was toucan when it was really Martin Van Buren. Choosing truth after initially being dared to call his father paved the way for a descent into moody darkness, as Wilfred revealed the clock that showed how much time Ryan had wasted in the basement. I’m very sad to see Amanda go, but more disturbed about the ominous proclamation by Wilfred that this still wasn’t it. Even more eerie was the lack of a pot-smoking final scene in the basement. Things are definitely changing, and it’s not clear that this show will ever be the same, a both peculiar and fascinating truth.

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