Sunday, September 9, 2012

Emmy Winner Predictions: Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series

Nominees are pictured and listed in alphabetical order. Submitted episode titles are in parentheses. Beware of minor spoilers for listed episodes.

Christine Baranski as Diane Lockhart, The Good Wife (Alienation of Affection)
This is the tenth career nomination for Baranski, who won once, on her first try for “Cybill” back in 1995. Though her show remains popular, it’s past its Emmy prime, and Baranski is rarely featured as prominently as costar and fellow nominee in this category Panjabi. Getting to see her be romantic with a process server in her selected episode is fun, but it’s not going to win her an Emmy this year.

Joanne Froggatt as Anna, Downton Abbey (Episode 7)
Froggatt, a first-time Emmy nominee, plays the lovable and kind-hearted housemaid Anna. Second to supporting actor nominee Brendan Coyle’s Bates, her onscreen partner, Anna is the most likeable of all the characters. Watching Bates on trial for murder makes for a fantastic submission, though it’s extremely unlikely that, even in the event of a Downton sweep, she could eclipse costar Maggie Smith.

Anna Gunn as Skyler White, Breaking Bad (Cornered)
I would have nominated Gunn for this show’s third season, but, in this case, better late than never. Gunn, whose role has been transformed dramatically, picked a fantastic episode, in which she visits the Four Corners monument and is on the losing end of a memorable conversation with Walt about him being the danger. Her show’s popularity could well enable her to win, though I’m not sure she’ll be able to take down her fellow nominees.

Christina Hendricks as Joan Holloway, Mad Men (The Other Woman)
This is the third nomination for Hendricks, and, fortunately for her, it’s her best chance yet to take home the award. Dealing with the prospect of having to prostitute herself to advance her career was Joan’s most mesmerizing plotline yet, and Hendricks was magnificent in the episode. If voters haven’t grown too tired of her show, she’s probably the frontrunner.

Archie Panjabi as Kalinda Sharma, The Good Wife (The Dream Team)
Panjabi took home this award two years ago and then returned with a nomination last year. Her character continues to be a central player in her show, and she again gets the opportunity to steal her selected episode as she reveals that she’s married and that her husband is a dangerous man. I think she’s had her shot, but it wouldn’t be too shocking if her name was called again.

Maggie Smith as Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham, Downton Abbey (Episode 1)
Smith won the supporting actress award last year for playing this character when this series was considered a miniseries. Her sixth career nomination represents her first-ever mention for a regular series. She’d be the clear frontrunner if her hilarious, sarcasm-prone grandmother appeared more in her selected episode, but her limited presence in the second season premiere may prevent her from taking home the award.

Who should win (based on entire season): Froggatt, Hendricks, or Panjabi
Who should win (based on individual episodes): Hendricks
Who will win: It may still be Smith, but I’ll bet on Hendricks.

Next up: Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I so want Christina Hendricks to take this! To me she is clearly the best and she steals the episode she's in (plus, I've loved Joan ever since she told Peggy to make her ankles sing in the pilot). While I also think she's the frontrunner, I go back to what always worries me. A Mad Men actor has not won an Emmy yet. What if that's not intentional? What if Emmy voters love Mad Men, but don't want to reward the acting for some reason? I hope they do, because everyone deserves it, but I'm worried.

    Anna Gunn would be a worthy winner a well. I know a lot of fans don't like her character, but that should not take nothing away from what Gunn does with her. As for The Good Wife, I actually thought Baranski was stronger than Panjabi this year and I felt she had more to chew on this year, so I wouldn't mind seeing her win. And, the Downton ladies are both fantastic, but between them I would choose Froggatt (she managed to rise above her often ridiculous storlyine and managed to make Anna strong as well as loyal). Dame Maggie Smith is Dame Maggie Smith, always awesome, but I'm not sure I would vote for her over everyone else in this category since she is mostly comic relief (very effective and biting, but I feel the others achieved more).

    This is the category I have the least amount of objections with. Some pretty good nominees...
