Friday, September 14, 2012

Giveaway: HOMELAND on Blu-Ray

I am very excited to announce what may just be the most exciting giveaway TV with Abe has ever done! Thanks to the generosity of Showtime, I have two brand-new copies of “Homeland” Season One on Blu-Ray to give away! This show, which won the AFT Award for Best Drama Series this season, making it my favorite drama of the year, had one of the most thrilling and creative first seasons I’ve ever seen. It also contends for Best Drama Series at the Emmy Awards next Sunday. Season two premieres after “Dexter” on Sunday, September 30th, but why wait that long? Don’t miss this show, especially if you don’t get Showtime – you’ll be happy you tuned in.

To win one this excellent prize, post in the comments your favorite scene from season one. If you haven't watched the show yet but still want a chance to win, post what show or movie you think the series is most like based on what you've heard. Please flag major spoilers with a "spoiler warning," and if you haven’t watched the show yet, tread carefully! Entries (one per person) should be in by Wednesday, September 19th at noon, and winners will be posted that evening. Good luck to all the entrants – this is one cool prize.



    My favorite scene was in the final episode when Elizabeth Gaines was shot. After Brody strapped on the vest, I was wondering the whole time how he was going to get close enough to the VP to detonate it. Then when I saw the metal detectors, I was convinced he would get caught. Having Tom shoot the woman so Brody could be rushed into the room, metal and all, was possibly the most brilliant writing I've ever watched. My friend and I paused it immediately, jaws dropped, just so we could take in what just happened. An unbelievably great start to absolutely fantastic final episode of the best show on television.

  2. My favorite scene was during 'The Weekend' when Carrie interrogated Brody at the cabin. After all of the buildup of the first half of the season, having Brody and Carrie finally come face to face, it was truly thrilling and terrifying. The tension was so high, I had no idea how the situation would play out. Two incredible actors at the peak of their powers, facing down one another. That scene in 'The Weekend' represents the excellence that every TV drama strives for but hardly any ever achieve.

  3. The only movies that come to mind are "The Hurt Locker" and "Pearl Harbor". Pretty sure those don't relate at all, but that's what I've got!

    The best scene was the one where Brody was about to click his bomb that he had strapped on to go off the hole episode was intense but this was just so perfectly done.


    For me, the best scene in the first season of Homeland is Carrie trying to get Dana to call her father while he's trying to detonate the bomb, but she calls the police instead. It's a moment of such carefully built suspense, both by how desperate the whole scene feels and how much we can actually sympathize with Dana at that moment. We know Brody is about to detonate the bomb, but we also know that if a woman like that were to barge into our house and tell us that our father is about to blow up a building, then we'd probably call the police too. It's a moment played for Truth and suspense, but the payoff is also worth it, the one with Dana finally calling her father and making him promise to come home. That later moment would not have worked as well without the earlier moment with Carrie. It's such a great show that so much of it is worth pointing out, but this one stood out to me.

  6. * spoiler *

    Having just watched the first season in its entirety in the span of 2 days, I find this decision difficult to make. While the final episode was thrilling and the discovery of Tom's role to push Brody past security was shocking & genius, I was very much enthralled with Brody and Carrie's relationship and her role throughout the plot. My favorite scene occurs when Carrie is in her manic stage, after Sal assists her with the time line regarding Abu Nazir activities. She calls Brody, intent that he is not the POW that has been turned, and asks for his help. At that time, she is then removed from her position, and no longer has the power to "crack the case." As a watcher, knowing that the protagonist is not able to solve the case while you are also aware that Brody is up to something terrible was distressing but also kept you watching to see what would happen next.

  7. The scene that has stuck out to me the most, though it is not the most exciting by any means, is when Brody goes into his garage to pray. For me the whole show shifted in that moment. There are so many memorable and exciting scenes but this moment has remained with me as I watched the rest of the show. Can't wait for Season 2...

  8. I've never seen Homeland before, but I'm guessing it's a lot like 24, just without that flashy Kiefer fellow. After the first season, 24 went downhill pretty hard, so I'm hoping Homeland is a bit more consistent.

    I like the contests though.. even if I don't win I'll probably get this show and check it out.

  9. I haven't seen it (I know, I know) but I'm HOPING it's a good "24" replacement!!!

  10. I haven't seen the show, but for me it seems like it is most like 24. That said I hope claire danes is Jack Bauer.

  11. I heard it's like 24 with some Alias type melodrama. Want to watch it. Pick me. Also I accidentally just read one of those spoilers up there whilst scrolling. Frown.

  12. I haven't seen Homeland but I would think it's a mix of 24 with a little Justified (which I also haven't seen but have been told is good, and government/security related)...more spread out and realistic.

    ps- Hi Abe!

  13. SPOILER!

    Easily the best scene was the last scene of Season 1.
    Right before Carrie is going to have ECT, she figures out that Brody has a connection to Abu Nazir's son, Issa.

    And then blam, she gets the shock treatment and the season ends

    -Andrew C

  14. Winners have been announced! Thanks to all who participated! Stay tuned for future contests. See the winners here.
