Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What I’m Watching: Boss

Boss: Season 2, Episode 6 “Backflash” (B+)

The characters on this show are so magnificent, and seeing how they deal with a crisis and with knowing next to nothing about what’s going on is incredible. Meredith springing into action in Tom’s absence was especially terrific since we haven’t seen her doing nearly as much while she’s been injured, and it’s obvious why she and Tom make the perfect power couple. Tom’s shock therapy allowed for a window into his past and his rise to power, highlighting the moment that Meredith started despising her husband, when he cut off her father because he was trying to continue exerting influence over him. It’s disconcerting to see a younger Tom unsure of himself and an older Tom truly losing it in Toronto. Meredith’s take-charge attitude has definitely alienated Ian and Mona, and it’s interesting to see the different ways they handle it, with Ian internalizing and controlling his rage and Mona wearing her emotions on her sleeve. The riots in Lenox Gardens are getting dangerous, and it’s great to see a dejected Zajac put himself to some positive use and get down and dirty with the people. Kitty doesn’t seem capable of settling down in a real romantic relationship, and to watch Sam try to slow her down is a harbinger of her inevitable betrayal. Her realization that Ezra was Deep Throat is sure to have major implications, and I suspect that will be Sam’s next story, which should be a welcome break from the entire press room watching news on TV all day instead of writing stories.

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