Sunday, September 23, 2012

What I’m Watching: Covert Affairs (Mid-Season Finale)

Covert Affairs: Season 3, Episode 10 “Let’s Dance” (B)

It’s not quite accurate to call this a mid-season finale since the show returns in just three weeks, but that’s not how it was originally planned, so better to examine it with the impact of its cliffhanger ending, something which comes close to topping the final scene from two weeks ago, in mind. Back on her feet, Annie is one angry, unhinged agent, trusting no one, not even Auggie, and it’s going to be interesting, and probably frustrating, to see how her reckless actions go unpunished by her superiors upon her eventual return. It’s fortunate that Joan has realized that Annie needs the kind of support she used to get from Lena, and following up with her to tell her that she had completely unofficial backing to go to Russia was both sensitive and smart. Arthur’s response of “How is it going to look if she dies?” was unfeeling and the wrong thing to say, and I sense that their marriage, not to mention their working relationship, is getting thinner and thinner by the moment. The middle of the episode felt a bit like a dream as Annie established a deep cover and prodded her necessary contact for finding Lena, complete with piano playing and lots of stalking. It was a shame that Lena got to him first, but it was all worth it for the final scene, in which Lena made a surprising play for Annie to take over as the new double agent. Taunting Annie about not being able to shoot her and then pulling a gun on her didn’t pan out so well for either of them, and I suspect that, though she’ll ultimately be fully exonerated, times will be tough for Annie in the weeks ahead when she returns in October.

Season grade so far: B+
Season MVP: Sarah Clarke as Lena

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