Friday, September 7, 2012

What I’m Watching: Covert Affairs

Covert Affairs: Season 3, Episode 8 “Glass Spider” (B)

I was generally pleased with this episode up until the very end, and I’m open to the possibility of a decent explanation for why one of the show’s most interesting characters has suddenly had such a change of heart. I think free-thinking superiors are a huge asset to a spy show, and to think that Lena is corruptible is a letdown, so her reasons for killing Simon and shooting Annie better be good. This episode was extremely action-packed, chock full of big revelations and characters finding out just how much other characters had lied to them. Annie shouldered much of that burden, and received mixed responses to the updates she rather bluntly provided to Arthur, Joan, and Auggie when prompted. Simon was quite nonchalant about Annie being a CIA agent trying to bring him in as n asset, and it was equally unsettling to see her risk her own career to help him get away. Things did not look good for Annie at the agency, and it seemed like she was all set to run away to the Maldives with Simon before Lena burst in brandishing her firearm. Annie was truly devastated when Jai’s murderer killed himself rather than be taken into custody, and it’s not easy for the CIA to come by a serious lead without it being snatched away or destroyed immediately. While this show will only take a three-week break before airing its final six episodes, I assume there’s still a big cliffhanger planned for two episodes from now, but I can’t imagine it’s going to top this.

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