Friday, September 28, 2012

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 4, Episode 3 “Everything Is Not Okay” (B+)

This was an episode for hot tempers all around, some of which were caused by more dramatic reasons than others. Kristina’s breast cancer diagnosis was by far the most serious, and it was exceptionally-handled, as Adam’s positivity got to Kristina, who just needed to be able to vent without being told that everything is going to be okay. Kurt Fuller is an interesting selection to play the doctor who upset Adam but ultimately proved to be Kristina’s choice since it doesn’t allow him to use his usual comic flair, but he seems decently-suited for the role. It was good to see Amber speak her mind, and she performed admirably upon learning the reason for Adam snapping at her. Max’s obsession with the missing vending machine led to a very predictable run for student council president, which is sure to prove both interesting and entertaining. Zeek getting pulled over with the grandkids in the car was a humorous incident turned melancholy by the concern voiced by the middle generation, and it was nice to see Camille stick by him and help him prepare for his road test. Though her work talk is threatening to negatively affect her relationship with Mark, Sarah’s inquisitiveness and pushiness seems to be working for her, managing to convince Hank that making up personal days to avoid doing weddings isn’t the best business plan. The dynamic that Hank and Sarah have is fantastic, and I’m eager to see more of their superbly amusing and funny conversations about work and life.

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