Thursday, September 13, 2012

What I’m Watching: Royal Pains

Royal Pains: Season 4, Episode 13 “Something Fishy This Way Comes” (B+)

This episode was full of romance, maternal mystery, and international intrigue. Hank is getting a lot out of both his personal and professional life, with Harper proving a more than fitting companion and Boris managing to earn both his trust and respect once again. Dmitry continues to be Hank’s most difficult patient, forcing him to come to unsafe territory and then pulling a gun on him, demanding that he leave the area rather than help Amir with his flesh-eating bacteria. Good guy that he is, Hank defiantly stayed on land and ran away to treat Amir, and it’s a good thing that Boris followed him, since I’m not sure anything else would have helped to re-secure that friendship. Hearing them talk about their experiences at camp was particularly entertaining and unexpected. It was nice to see Brooke Lyons in a less airheaded role than usual as a sleepy but impressive pharmaceutical rep after her turns in the “Sullivan and Son” pilot and as Peach on “2 Broke Girls.” It’s a wonder that Dr. Sacani is holding it together considering how much of a naïve jerk Divya is being, telling him that Talia was only flirting with him to get their business. Rosanna Arquette’s mother wannabe is likely not to do Paige any good, but she seems harmless enough for the moment, and, for once, Evan is focusing on the right thing and is there for her when she needs him most. Next week marks the mid-season finale, and I expect some sort of game-changer to impact HankMed.

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