Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What I’m Watching: Treme (Season Premiere)

Treme: Season 3, Episode 1 “Knock with Me – Rock with Me” (B+)

It’s been over a year since this show ended its second season, and not much has changed in New Orleans. Antoine is still trying to hustle cab drivers and giving cops a hard time, Toni is pursuing an impossible case with the utmost drive and determination, Jeannette is making day trips to New Orleans to figure out property concerns, Davis is causing trouble at the radio, and Ladonna’s not doing well. Fortunately, this show is so well-done that such repetitiveness isn’t a problem, and it’s interesting and worthwhile to check in with the characters and to see what they’re up to now. David Morse’s Terry is getting more of a spotlight, as he heads to Indianapolis to see his kids after being denied a transfer and learns from his ex-wife that she doesn’t want them staying in his FEMA trailer with him. His loneliness should permit him to be a great asset to Toni, who seemed somewhat taken aback by the visiting reporter’s inquisitiveness but nonetheless helped him on his way. Nelson is also doing the best he can to try to get his operation back up and running, and it’s marvelous to see him work. Albert’s excitement at hearing himself on the radio was fun, and I thoroughly enjoyed Davis’ tour, which was brutal and honest, if not entirely correct, and didn’t seem to have a positive effect on its participants. Sofia’s new boyfriend should help make her life quite interesting, and I’m looking forward to seeing all these characters for another season and a half.

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