Monday, October 29, 2012

Take Three: Arrow

Arrow: Season 1, Episode 3 “Lone Gunmen” (B-)

This show is continuing to establish itself as a very typical superhero show, gradually filling in the blocks of its protagonist’s past while simultaneously chronicling his present-day adventures in both his lives. The Green Arrow may be a formidable guardian for the city, but the new Oliver isn’t much of a conversationalist, specifically when it comes to finding out that Tommy and Laurel had a relationship while he was gone, something which prompted no reaction from him. Laurel’s physical combat skills are somewhat of a surprise, but it’s good to see that she can take care of herself so that Oliver won’t always have to swoop in to save her. Handing over some intelligence to Detective Lance was a smart idea, though it’s clearly going to be a long time before he trusts the mysterious man in the hood enough to willingly work with him. Thea sure is a pain, and one would hope that she eventually has a greater purpose in life than merely partying and causing aggravation for her family members. I’m pleased to see that John Diggle, Oliver’s bodyguard, got a personality, taking Oliver and Tommy to his sister-in-law’s restaurant and revealing an emotional family connection. The events at the function were decently enthralling, even though Walter was never going to get taken out so easily. John getting shot saving the day, however, was the perfect setup for Oliver to rescue him and feed him the poison antidote, saving his life and revealing his identity in the process.

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