Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What I’m Watching: Alphas

Alphas: Season 2, Episode 12 “Need to Know” (B+)

Lines are being drawn, or, more crucially, crossed, as the season finale approaches and the showdown with Parrish with it. Dr. Rosen in particular is going off the rails, plotting secretly with Cameron to aggressively interrogate Scipio and get to Parrish before the rest of the team knows what’s going on. Betrayal will definitely continue to sting as the team is divided, with Rachel awkwardly caught in the middle and earning the contempt of John, who, for only the second time, actually gets something to do other than just flirt with Rachel. Kat is a regular field agent these days, springing into action and even doing some detective work to figure out that the firestarter’s abduction was an inside job. It’s great to see Skylar again, though her situation was far from ideal. Gary pinging her was creative, and it’s nice to know that she didn’t willingly go to work for Parrish and that she’s still officially one of the good guys. Expectedly, Parrish was not pleased to discover that Mitchell’s memories of him had been erased, and he won’t be happy to find that he’s missing once again. It looks like Parrish’s plan is about to come to fruition, and it’s going to be much more difficult for the group to stop than they thought. I would imagine that preparing for the new world in Dani’s name is what’s going to prove to be the ultimate undoing of Parrish and his allies, as neither Dr. Rosen nor Cameron is going to allow that to happen.

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