Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What I’m Watching: Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire: Season 3, Episode 3 “Bone for Tuna” (B+)

What a great title this episode has. It was only a matter of time before Gyp got really angry and doused an officer of the law in gasoline before setting him on fire, and it’s even more of a shame considering the fact that Nucky actually played ball with him and tried to work to appease him. Richard dragging Mickey into Nucky’s office with a gun pointed at his head was rather uncharacteristic, but I suppose it’s an important move for Richard, establishing his permanence with and loyalty to Nucky while taking the miserable Mickey down a peg. Nucky is definitely starting to lose it, and he would be smart to see a doctor before a longing for Billie or the sight of a boy with a bullet hole in his face makes him do something he truly regrets. Margaret’s power play was utterly fantastic, and it’s nice to see her stoop to someone else’s level because she realizes that playing fair won’t necessarily get her what she wants. Nelson’s run-in with prohibition agents at the speakeasy was marvelously intense, and I’m not sure what upset him more – the possibility of getting recognized and caught, or the fact that the agent who let him off was corrupt. I’m not sure what’s ultimately to become of Nelson, but I’m glad that he’s still a featured character on this show, since it’s useful to see someone who’s not a gangster but still hides behind a fake identity to cover up who he really is.


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