Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What I’m Watching: Boss (Season Finale)

Boss: Season 2, Episode 10 “True Enough” (A-)

This show just doesn’t stop pulling surprises and major, game-changing turns that make its universe all the more watchable. Meredith becoming the new alderman was hardly the most notable of all the political appointments in this hour, as Kitty managed to come back and work for Tom despite the fact that she was wearing a wire. Doyle himself revealed to Zajac that he would be running against Tom, and Claire therefore would get to move up to his position despite Doyle failing to express his gratitude. Things are certainly looking up for Zajac, as his wife even came back to him, showing her support for his eventual run for the presidency. Though many people experienced downfalls in this episode, none was worse than Sam’s, after he played right into Tom’s hands and got his story refuted and his reputation destroyed because he paid for information. His loyal coworker Jackie wasn’t even up to helping when she knew that Tom was in fact sick. Kitty’s decision to go back and work for Tom because it’s where she belongs is both fascinating and disturbing, and the way she spoke to Dr. Harris about conscience was cruel and scathing. Preparing to handle the public revelation of Tom’s disease allowed for a terrific amount of transparency so rarely seen on this show, and Kitty is going to be a great asset to Tom now that she knows about his condition and has seen it in action. Ian’s aspirations were squashed by Tom’s cruelty, and he didn’t seem bothered by Emma’s discovery of the fact that they were half-siblings. It was a sad end for Darius, who likely won’t be back in the future since his ties to Emma have essentially been severed. Not only was Tom the one who commissioned the assassination attempt, he also nearly let Meredith die after she went out and had an affair with Vacarro. Mona’s situation is the best summary of what happens when Tom no longer needs someone – she’s horrified by what he’s done but can’t do a thing about it. This season was exceptional, and I’m worried that the ratings will cause Starz to think twice about renewing this series that promises to be excellent in its third season based on the developments in this hour. Please bring it back!

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Kathleen Robertson as Kitty

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