Sunday, October 28, 2012

What I’m Watching: Covert Affairs

Covert Affairs: Season 3, Episode 12 “Wishful Beginnings” (B+)

It was never going to be an easy tradition for Annie back to life in the CIA after her unauthorized trip to Russia, but this was especially uncomfortable. Arthur offering her a medal for her service felt very procedural, especially considering how he acted while she was gone, and Joan wasn’t exactly warm, particularly in her harsh but not untrue point about Annie’s attachment becoming a pattern. She and Eyal do have a great working relationship, evidenced by Annie playing the kinder part and Eyal staying serious when they discovered a scared Karina, and it’s a shame that his boss Rivka, played by Tovah Feldshuh, wants him to exploit Annie and use her as an asset. The fact that he gave her the intelligence but didn’t tell her that he had offered Annie his apartment suggests that he’s going to find a way not to betray Annie, though there’s only so much of that she can take after losing Simon and being abandoned by Ben before that. Eyal giving Auggie a hug upon finally meeting him was an unexpected comic moment, and I do hope that Annie starts being honest with Auggie again lest she lose her best friend. Joan lying to Arthur isn’t going to lead anywhere good, and something tells me he might understand her trying to get her drug problem under control rather than suspect something much worse as she continues to lie to him. It’s still a big deal to see Joan struggling, and hopefully those around her will be able to help her instead of growing distant.

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