Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What I’m Watching: Dexter

Dexter: Season 7, Episode 2 “Sunshine and Frosty Swirl” (B+)

Knowing both Deb and Dexter, I should have expected plenty of sarcasm in their discussions about his dark passenger and his sticking by her side at every moment. Having Dexter stay with her is a smart idea, but it’s going to make Dexter stir crazy to be sure. I’m glad to see the show is still indulging in clever visual cues, namely the blood-red marinara sauce on Dexter’s spaghetti. It’s intriguing to note that he is making progress, as the sight of blood now makes him doubt himself, as evidenced by Louis’ surprising survival. I’ve never known what to make of Louis, but it’s fascinating to see him quake when Dexter invaded his apartment and promise never to be seen, only to demonstrate the next day that he isn’t scared of Dexter. Having someone realize who he truly is may be a problem, but I suspect things won’t go the usual way with Louis, who really is a peculiar guy. Quinn is getting himself into trouble with women once again, but at least he seems to be focused on a case this time. There’s nothing like stabbing someone in the eye with a screwdriver to make a point, and Ray Stevenson’s Sirko is going to be a major nemesis for Miami Metro. Laguerta is making unfortunate progress on her investigation into the slide, and I think that she’s going to piece everything together soon. Dexter standing and talking with a shockingly unsupervised Randall at the crime scene made for great moments of contemplation, and seeing him run in front of the truck was a jarring jolt back to reality.

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