Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation (Halloween Episode #4)

Parks and Recreation: Season 5, Episode 5 “Halloween Surprise” (B+)

It’s great to see Halloween used as a backdrop for an episode like this which still manages to cover plenty of other material. It was extremely entertaining to hear about Donna’s live tweets of “Death Canoe 4,” including her snippets about the canoe being the hero in the fifth film and the ire she incurred from an angry fan unhappy with the fact that she didn’t tag any of her tweets with spoiler alerts. It’s not a shock that Ron wasn’t adept at the art of trick-or-treating with children, and his usual stoic attitude didn’t do him much good with an angry Diane. It’s nice to see April nudging him in the right direction, and I’m eager to see how Ron starts opening up his life, hopefully with fewer sharp, dangerous objects like saws. Andy’s excellence at observation is entertaining, and it’s fun to watch him prance about as he tries to take himself seriously. Jerry’s heart attack framed a more serious contemplative situation for Leslie as she tried to raise money by prostituting Ann and to rectify her personal life. Ben’s excitement at the possibility of running another campaign, something he’s clearly good at, was endearing but worrisome, and it’s absolutely wonderful that he decided to show up at her new house with one of the most unexpected, heartfelt proposals recently seen on television. The relationship between Leslie and Ben has always been so sweet and subtle, and it’s great to see it progressing in what’s sure to be a great new direction.

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