Friday, October 19, 2012

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy: Season 5, Episode 6 “Small World” (B+)

Episode after episode, this show manages to be even more devastating. The death of Roosevelt’s wife provided a melancholy start, and that wasn’t even the worst of it. Unlike Unser and Hale, Roosevelt isn’t a lawman who’s had a positive relationship with the Sons, and therefore it’s not surprising that he would come fully loaded at Jax, Chibs, and Bobby declaring war. Fortunately, Jax’s diplomacy may have calmed the situation, but if anyone finds out that the home invasions were ordered by Clay, there’s going to be much more violence. It’s fascinating and disturbing to see how Pope has turned himself from a controlling enemy into an ally for SAMCRO, giving them more business rather than taking a cut and offering up the prison guard who helped execute the killing he ordered as a goodwill gesture. Tig shooting the guard’s wife was full of aggression, but it didn’t compare to Jax bludgeoning the guard to death with a snow globe. Carla’s visit to Gemma’s house looked to be another disturbing act of sex blackmail, but it turned into something much worse, a highly emotional suicide. While Clay came to her rescue, Unser for the first time stood up to Gemma, and his harsh words are likely to send her right into the arms of the mysterious new character played by Joel McHale. Tara going to see Otto was a surprise, and even more of a shock was the lie she told Jax as they had what might have seemed like an honest conversation but was really anything but.

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