Thursday, December 13, 2012

Golden Globe Nominees: Best TV Series - Comedy/Musical

My predictions: 3/5, picking “New Girl” and “Veep” over “The Big Bang Theory” and “Smash”
What’s missing? Glee, Louie, New Girl, Parks and Recreation, Veep

I can’t describe my joy about Episodes being nominated here again. It’s just the kind of show that voters might have dismissed after its first season, and seeing it here is just wonderful. It’s nice to see Globe voters open to Girls, which SAG voters deemed less than worthwhile. Modern Family is the defending champ here, but, unlike the Emmys, it’s won just once. I’m perplexed by the return of The Big Bang Theory to this race after it secured its one and only nomination two years ago, since Globe voters tend to forget shows they used to like entirely once they’ve stopped nominating them. Smash feels tacked on here simply because it’s a musical rather than a quality series, and I really hope that it doesn’t win. Why couldn’t “Parks and Recreation” make the cut? I guess that’s too much to hope for at this point.

What could win? I’m going to go with Girls.

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