Thursday, December 20, 2012

What I’m Watching: Dexter (Season Finale)

Dexter: Season 7, Episode 12 “Surprise, Motherfucker!” (B+)

With Hannah behind bars, this episode took on a whole new focus, but her final scenes were definitely memorable. Hearing her admit to poisoning Deb was crucial for Dexter, and is probably the only thing that stopped him from recanting his statement after he told her that he missed her. Hannah telling Deb that she’s happy knowing that Deb has to live with what Dexter stung, and ensures that Deb will forever despise her if that wasn’t already the case. The resourceful Hannah didn’t waste much time in breaking out of jail, and I’m curious to see what she left Dexter and whether she’ll return (which I hope she does). Laguerta arresting Dexter was bold, and he handled it extremely well, playing dumb and quickly turning the blame on her. Laguerta revealing to Deb that she knew more than she was letting on about her involvement sealed her fate, and paved the way for an important milestone decision for both Dexter and Deb. Dexter’s realization, verbalized to Hector, that he was killing for a normal reason for the first time, was impactful, and Deb’s impossible choice to shoot Laguerta and help Dexter stage the scene will only result in her developing more of a guilty conscience. Seeing Doakes again was strange, and I don’t think he seemed quite as mean as I remember him. While the show has come a long way from that point, I think that it’s still terrific. I’m not sure where the story goes from here, but it looks like Batista really is off the force, and Quinn might have a chance at love after all if Jamie’s flirtatious banter is any indication. This has been a strong season thanks mainly to its two season-long guest characters, and I hope for similar quality in season eight.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Ray Stevenson as Isaak/Yvonne Strahovski as Hannah

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