Friday, December 14, 2012

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 2, Episode 11 “Santa” (B+)

This was definitely a nutty episode, but it’s always fun to watch the antics of this group and the situations in which they find themselves. I enjoyed Schmidt’s comment during the opening conversation about Santa that he and his classmates were under strict orders from Rabbi Shmuley not to tell Christian kids that Santa wasn’t real, and the brief notion that Winston might still believe in Santa was amusing. Winston getting a cranberry stuck in his ear paved the way for lots of shenanigans, namely his trading Sam Jess’ location in exchange for a free ear exam. I hardly think that Sam and Jess are made for each other, but it was definitely fun to see her try hard to run away from him, pretend to have a relationship with Winston, and then rock out while pretending to be a caroler and getting stuck singing all by herself. Nick’s stripper girlfriend is turning out to be quite the character, bringing a cookie that says “Let’s have sex” to a party and forcing Nick to do some things he really doesn’t want to do. Flashing the male nurse was impressive, and I like that both Schmidt and Winston came back for a look. Cece giving Schmidt a gift so that they can be friends didn’t work out well, and I really wish that they could get back to being friends with benefits, since that seemed to work out best. And, of course, no Christmas episode would feel complete without a sighting of Black Santa, something only this show could dream up so magnificently.

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