Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What I’m Watching: Nikita

Nikita: Season 3, Episode 6 “Sideswipe” (B-)

I think that Isaiah Mustafa, best known as the Old Spice Guy, should star on every TV show since he instantly enlivens series with even a momentary appearance. His opening pitch about the automatically-guided weapon was highly enthusiastic and compelling, and I liked finding out more about his complicated relationship with Nikita. Blowing her cover but purposely misidentifying her as an Interpol agent was a confusing but smart move, and I’m glad that he managed to escape both alive and with his business relatively intact. Nikita and the rest of Division need to start realizing that running into a situation guns blazing on a whim is never the right move, and that Amanda always has the upper hand. Nikita is starting to understand that, recognizing that Amanda was merely testing her and wasn’t actually ever going to kill Cyrus. Sean’s return was excessively overdramatic, and it’s about time that Alex moved on and found someone to stick by her long enough to help her confront her renewed drug problem. Birkhoff sure was devastated to learn that Sonya was the mole, but, while she can be rather cool and emotionless, and used to be quite loyal to Amanda, it’s clear that she’s actually a good guy. It’s good to see Birkhoff working to protect her and make sure he can figure out a way to deactivate her kill chip while they work to find the real mole and stop Amanda from continuing to toy with Division and all of its assets.

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