Sunday, December 16, 2012

What I'm Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 4, Episode 11 “What to My Wondering Eyes” (B+)

This show isn’t sparing any emotions as it airs its final episode of the calendar year, pulling at heartstrings with some truly wrenching developments. Kristina’s worsening cough and subsequent hospital trip were made far more devastating by Adam watching the video that Kristina had recorded for her children should she not make it, which made the usually put-together father and husband break down. The fact that she pulled through and even got to be with her whole family thanks to Crosby’s inability to judge when not to say something was sweet, but it doesn’t mean that we’ll be spared a painful journey if she does succumb to her disease at some point later this season. Pairing Kristina’s health crisis with Victor telling Sydney that Santa isn’t real worked well, especially since Zeek did her best to convince all of the grandkids, including Victor, that Santa was in fact undeniably real. Bribing the receptionist with cookies to not notice the fourteen family members visiting Kristina was a winning move as well. Hank and Sarah didn’t waste any time getting together following Mark’s departure last week, and I’m curious to see how the extended family will react once that relationship becomes public. I’m hopeful that Amber being apart from Ryan won’t cause both of them more misery. Hearing that Crosby and Jasmine both want another baby is great, and it should be fun to watch them plan for a second child as a couple this time. The Braverman family just never seems to stop expanding.

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