Friday, December 21, 2012

What I’m Watching: Royal Pains (Holiday Special)

Royal Pains: Season 4, Episodes 15 and 16 “Off-Season Greetings” (B+)

This two-hour episode was a nice holiday treat, offering a rare winter glimpse of our characters, who are otherwise only seen on television screens in Hamptons summer during wintertime. Evan and Paige’s wedding has been built up for so long that it’s only natural that things would go horribly awry, forcing Eddie to get ordained in ten minutes, something that I’m sure pleased the General greatly, and resulting in just ten attendees at the ceremony. There were plenty of major events going on at the same time, however, namely Divya’s preposterously impulsive decision to marry Rafa after she went to go see him in Las Vegas during Paige’s bachelorette party. Hank’s poor reaction to the news didn’t help, but, somehow, the newly happy couple worked it out perfectly, burning a piece of paper to negate their marriage and resetting their relationship clock to zero. Owen’s presence served mainly as an impetus for flashbacks, featuring Evan as a ruthless version of himself and Hank as a hapless groom-to-be who had a bad run-in with his ex-girlfriend during his engagement party. I’m glad that Hank didn’t end up trying to win back Winnie’s affection, opting instead to be happy with mending fences and earning her forgiveness. It would have been nice for him to reconnect romantically with Jill, but I suppose a flirtatious Skype date was fitting. Hank’s deteriorating medical condition is sure to reframe things in an interesting way when the show returns for its fifth season this summer, and the news that Boris is alive is hardly shocking since we didn’t actually see him die. It’s been a fun reunion, and I think I’ll definitely be in the mood for this show when summer rolls around.

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