Sunday, January 27, 2013

SAG Winner Predictions: Best Female Actor in a Comedy Series

The competition: Edie Falco’s pill-popping nurse (Nurse Jackie), Tina Fey’s nerdy TV writer (30 Rock), Amy Poehler’s government employee (Parks & Recreation), Sofia Vergara’s Colombian wife (Modern Family), and Betty White’s wise-cracking scene-stealer (Hot in Cleveland).

For your information: White has won this award the past two years, and Fey won three times in a row before that. This is Falco’s fourth consecutive nomination, and she won three individual SAG Awards for her role on “The Sopranos.” This is Vergara’s third consecutive nomination, and, appallingly, Poehler’s first. Falco, Fey, and Vergara are also nominated along with their ensemble casts. The Golden Globe and Emmy winners in the corresponding categories, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Lena Dunham, aren’t nominated here.

Who should win: Poehler, hands down.

Who will win: I’d love to think that it would be Poehler, but I think that White is a safer choice.

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